About Us

BRAE Therapi Service Provider is a professional organization that offers a wide range of services to individuals with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and other developmental disorder.

We render services such as behavior therapy, school facilitation, corrective behavior, vocational training, occupational therapy, speech therapy and services related to a therapist placement with a special needs child on vacation with parents or while his/her parent is on vacation and posting of therapists abroad for intervention.

We also offer helpful guidelines and mentorship to our client’s school, parents and caregivers via training, seminar, or coaching.

Join our team

Are you an educator, a teacher, a caregiver or an individual who is willing to build a career as an ABA Facilitator?

Email your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to Info@brae.org.ng or send us a chat

What to expect.

  • Intensive Training
  • Series of observations
  • Practical
  • Therapy Placement
  • Continue Supervision
  • Periodic training.